Dear Parents,

The E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center has been instilling a love and respect of the outdoors in our students and campers since 2009. We can’t wait to continue doing so through our sleepaway experience, Camp Longleaf. Here at camp, your child will be encouraged to step out of their comfort zone, try new things, make lasting friendships, and most importantly – have fun! A week spent away from home and familiar routines provides campers with the opportunity to become more independent and confident, all while creating memories that they will be talking about for years to come.
We know that the sleepaway camp experience can come with nerves for both camper and parent, but we assure you that Camp Longleaf is committed to providing your camper(s) with a safe, positive, nature-packed adventure. Thank you for choosing Camp Longleaf for an experience that will last a lifetime!
We can’t wait to see you this summer,
The Camp Longleaf Team
Parent Handbook
Cell Phone Policy
Camp Longleaf is a cell-phone free environment. We believe that by having our campers “un-plug,” they will engage with the outside world and gain more from their camp experience. Going cell-phone free has many benefits for camp...
- Promote socialization among campers
- Remove the divide between “the haves and the have-nots” in each cabin
- Reduce stress associated with damage, loss or theft of electronics
- Reduce home sickness by focusing on camp rather than situations or people at home
- Give your children a much needed break from the world of technology
Please DO NOT send your child to camp with a phone. We understand that it can be hard but this policy is in the best interest of your child and their experience. If a camper is discovered using a cell phone, it will be confiscated and kept in the camp office until pick-up.
Communication at Camp

In lieu of phone calls or text messaging, parents and family members of current campers can send up to ten emails per camper/ per week. Emails are printed at 10:30 am and delivered to campers during mail time, after lunch. This convenient way to communicate with campers is offered to parents at no extra cost.
Email Your Camper!
We also encourage our parents to send letters or care packages during the camp session. You may write letters ahead of time and leave them with camp staff at check in to be distributed throughout the week, or you can send them via standard mail. If leaving them at check-in, please put in an envelope labeled with the child’s name! If sending through the mail, please send them early in the week since our camp sessions are short. We ask that you DO NOT send food, candy or money in care packages.
Camp Address:
“Camper name”
ATTN: Camp Longleaf
4956 State Hwy 20 East
Freeport, FL 32439
If you would like your child to write letters home, make sure they have packed stationary items. Outgoing mail will be collected before breakfast each day. Journaling can also be helpful for campers who experience homesickness. In any emergency situation, the person listed as the emergency contact will be notified by the office.
For a link to our frequently asked questions regarding camp, click